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Program Description 

The Physical Education Curriculum Certificate Program (PECP) is an accredited physical education curriculum continuing education certificate program created to fully educate teachers and/or health educators on the essentials of developing a structured physical education plan that involves health/nutritional strategies for students in grades Kindergarten through 12. 

PECP also provides written Physical Education curriculums for community organizations, charter schools, academies, private and public schools alike.  

PECP is designed to help pre-school, primary, elementary and secondary physical educators implement the proper requirements for physical activities that are based on the guidelines of the “California Framework for physical education” and the foundation of NASPE standards and outcomes and the current discipline specific research in designing the curriculum and course of study as well as the National Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) Guidelines and Standards. These guidelines and standards demonstrate an integrated and multidisciplinary approach to physical education teacher preparation with a focus on learning experiences that cross traditional lines.

PECP is a continued educational certificate curriculum program that prepares teachers and/or physical educators with the various methods to enhancing the interest, knowledge and physical health of all students’. PECP is a new program that has been in existence since 1999. 

PECP Mission

To provide school systems and/or recreational community organizations with new Development of physical education and learning opportunities that enable physical educators/teachers to meet the needs of student physical inactivity and the rise of obesity. 

PECP-Program Objectives:

  • To encompass the study of curricular planning on physical development with the integration of health and nutritional education.

  • To examine the critical issues of physical development amongst student’s ability to interpret fitness as a necessity in life.

  • To develop strategies for effective teaching

  • Identify the key elements of effective teaching in physical education.

  • Implement an effective physical education lesson plan.

  • Develop skills competencies for K-12 grade students.

  • Create effective strategies for teaching students with Disabilities and/or behaviors.

  • To help physical educators to provide exercise prescriptions that involves the connections of physical fitness and nutritional values.

  • To analyze the difference in lesson planning amongst child, adolescents and teen physical developments during physical education.

  • To build a curriculum that will assess the physical mythology for enhancing student’s ability to perform in a positive manner towards physical education as a whole.

How do I apply for PECP?

  • The school will need to set up a consultation with PECP administrator to register their school. All fees must be paid two weeks in advance before beginning the program. Please contact our office at (510) 820-3744

  • All forms must be completed.

  • Program times and class schedules will be set up during the consultation process.

  • All schools are required to provide on-campus building space for training sessions and workshops. The room must be internet accessible.

  • PECP will provide all testing materials, books, presentations and video.

  • There is a 30 teacher limitation per program session for each school. ( all teachers must be a teacher from the same school site)

  • PECP is completed in a four weekend 6 hour class sessions. (Saturdays only).

PECP Course outline

PECP is a 4-week course. The course is held

Four Saturday’s, ten (6) hours each session.

8:00a.m. – 2:00p.m.

  • wk 1 Physical Education: Designing a effective Lesson Plan and Performance Enhancement Development 6hours

  • wk 2 Principles: Health education and Nutrition 6hours

  • wk 3 Physical Education Currim/ Instructional Design 6hours

  • wk 4 Physical Education for students with disabilities 6 hours

Instructional Methods:

  • Lectures

  • Power point presentations

  • Reading of printed material and illustrations

  • Role plays (individual and team)

  • School ground demonstration

  • Live/Video tapes

  • Research materials

PECP will provide all books and materials such as, syllabus, binders, study guides .presentations, videos and all equipment for activities. Teachers will need to bring materials when requested. For example: you provide your own PPT presentation for your final project.


International Sports Science Association (ISSA)

Health and Fitness Institute (HFI)

Professional Development Institution Center of Nutrition and Exercise (PDIC)

American Sport Education Program (ASEP)

National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE)

American Alliance for Health Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (AAPERD)

PECP Preparatory Workshops

The following workshops are extra curriculum preparatory courses used to further educate physical educators, coaches and teachers alike. These workshops are taught on a weekend basis and require (8-10) hours of training depending on workshop.

The preparatory workshops are as follows: (individual cost $290)

  • Designing a Physical Education Program

  • Writing Lesson Plans

  • Key Concepts for a Successful Physical Education Program in Pre-School, Primary and Secondary Physical Education

  • Developing and Implementing a Curriculum

  • Teaching a Physical Education Program

  • Management and Discipline

  • Learning The Differences In Teaching Styles

  • Evaluations and Grading

  • Improving Instruction Systematically

  • Developing a Total Program For Students With Disabilities

  • Legal Liability and Proper Care of Students

  • Implementing Instructional Activities for

  • Introductory Activities

  • Physical Fitness

  • Wellness Instruction

  • Mini-Units of Instruction

  • Team Sports

  • Dual / Individual Sports

  • Outdoor Adventure Activity

PECP Program Cost:

All fees cost includes: All books and materials such syllabus, binders, and study guides, presentations and videos, all equipment is provided for activities.

  • Reg./consultation fee$375 non-refundable

  • General course fee$675 per educator/participate Workshop fee$5,575 per group workshop (over 12 participants is an extra cost of $75 per educator /teacher

  • District seminar fee$575 per educator/teacher

  • Public schools fee$470 per educator/teacher

  • Private/charter schools fee$380 per educator/teacher

To Register Please call

510 472-5232

We will send you your application packet ASAP

Make Checks or Money Orders Payable to:


7118 Orral Street

Oakland, CA 94621


Sat: 8AM - 6PM

Sun: Closed

"Striving to Make Women Healthy"

Oakland, California 94621; 510-472-5232

501(3) c - Since 2010 HF4MW Inc.

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